A teen travels to 1955 and must ensure his parents fall in love to secure his future.

Back to the Future

The Terminator

A cyborg is sent back to kill the mother of a future leader, altering destiny forever.


A hitman confronts his older self sent from the future, leading to shocking choices.

The Time Machine

A scientist builds a time machine and discovers a future divided by class struggles.

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Astronauts travel through a wormhole to find a new home for humanity beyond Earth.

Edge of Tomorrow

A soldier relives the same day in battle against aliens, learning from each loop.

Donnie Darko

A troubled teen experiences visions that lead him through time and alternate realities.

Groundhog Day

A weatherman relives the same day repeatedly, discovering important life lessons.

Star Trek (2009)

The crew travels through time to stop a Romulan from destroying planets in the past.

Time After Time

H.G. Wells pursues Jack the Ripper into modern times using his time machine.